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Fitness Business Asia Podcast

Apr 30, 2020

Jack talks to the Glofox Fitness Founders podcast about how BASE quickly shifted to an online training platform and why it’s essential for both business and member for you to charge for online services and then deliver extreme value.








Apr 29, 2020

Jack welcomes back Sean for a candid discussion on digital fitness now and in the future, as well as insights into the need for collaboration, leadership and togetherness to elevate the industry and come out of the current crisis stronger.

In part 1 we discussed how Sean has been managing industry shifts across multiple...

Apr 27, 2020

Sean Tan is the Director of True Group, overseeing the growth and development of an industry-leading big box operation across Singapore and Taiwan.

Sean and True Group have been at the forefront of the big box scene with innovative concepts and strong growth over the last few years.

Hear how Sean has navigated the last...

Apr 22, 2020

Jack welcomes back Barry and Shay to discuss the technical aspects of creating a digital experience that will represent you and your brand well, and bring in meaningful revenue.

If you haven’t heard part 1, go back to episode 85 to hear more about injecting soul and life into your on-demand and live streamed content.

Apr 20, 2020

Jack welcomes on fellow podcasters Shay Kostabi and Barry Ennis of Fitness Career Mastery to discuss online and digital fitness offerings.

Barry and Shay help gyms and fitness businesses produce high-quality online platforms and digital content so they’re perfectly placed to help gym owners navigate this big shift...